Work, Wander, and Well-being: Mastering the Art of the Working Holiday

28 March

Taking your business on the road for a working holiday presents an enticing blend of work and leisure, allowing you to explore new destinations while keeping your operations running smoothly.   This concept has gained popularity with the rise of...[Read More]

10 ways to reduce your household energy use

4 January

As a homeowner, you’re likely aware of the increasing costs associated with household energy consumption. This is why cutting down on energy use can mean big savings. In addition to the financial benefits, reducing electricity use can help to...[Read More]

3 Key Advantages of Having a Smart Home

13 July

While smart home technology has been around since the 1990s, people are just beginning to appreciate having it. The devices in a smart home are interconnected and accessible from a single hub, such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop or gaming console....[Read More]

Smartphone pros and cons, are they a necessity in 2023?

28 December

Since IBM launched the first-ever smartphone called Simon Personal Communicator (SPC) in 1994, a lot has changed. Simon had a touchscreen with a complete keyboard and built-in software that enabled users to check their email, use the internet, and...[Read More]

Chatbots on the rise but failing customers

19 October

The four-year market value of chatbots is expected to reach more than $162 billion but users are still frustrated by online assistants. Queensland researchers surveyed 145 participants and found that when informed a human interaction option was...[Read More]

COVID most googled term in 20 years

5 October

Internet search habits of Australians over two decades reveal they can’t get enough COVID-19 news, rain predictions and Tomahawk steak cooking instructions. Google has released some remarkable search engine trends since it entered the...[Read More]

Serious fear: Have you got nomophobia?

14 September

Many people feel a little anxious if they forget their phone but some suffer from nomophobia – “no mobile phone phobia” – a serious fear of being disconnected. Macquarie University psychologist Wayne Warburton says...[Read More]

No streaming for millions, report shows

7 September

At least 5.6 million Australians can’t access video streaming, according to a new report. This means 22 per cent of the nation’s population has insufficient connectivity or data allowances to stream video on demand, the modelling...[Read More]